Paranios Wiki

The ruler of just Midarim - excluding Islabard. It now falls to the heir of House Miron. The current Iron King of the East is Edwin II. The incumbent usually also has the title 'King of Midarim'.

Kings of Midarim (OT 1 - OT 781)
1 Jararilos I OT 1 - OT 121 House Fortistos
2 Jararilos II OT 121 - OT 157 House Fortistos
3 Jararilos III OT 157 - OT 203 House Fortistos
4 Darthos I OT 203 - OT 247 House Fortistos
5 Gardos I OT 247 - OT 289 House Fortistos
6 Rhonisos I OT 289 - OT 380 House Fortistos
7 Darthos II OT 380 - OT 469 House Fortistos
8 Darthos III OT 469 - OT 492 House Fortistos
9 Rhonisos II OT 492 - OT 496 House Fortistos
10 Edmir II OT 512 - OT 568 House Miron
11 Edwin I OT 568 - OT 593 House Miron
12 Edmir III OT 593 - OT 629 House Miron
13 Edmir IV OT 719 - OT 753 House Miron
14 Edwin II; Current Iron King of the East. OT 753 - House Miron